For those of you based in Denmark, all 3 books written by Mel H. Kay are now available to buy from the Saxo website. 😉

#MelHKay #Lesbiansontestosterone #DroopyDrawers44 #ItsOKtocome #LGBT #LGBTI #LGBTQIA #Queer #LGBTbook #QueerBook #Saxo #Denmark #Copenhagen #BuyOnline #BuyBooksOnline
For those of you based in Denmark, all 3 books written by Mel H. Kay are now available to buy from the Saxo website. 😉 #MelHKay #Lesbiansontestosterone #DroopyDrawers44 #ItsOKtocome #LGBT #LGBTI #LGBTQIA #Queer #LGBTbook #QueerBook #Saxo #Denmark #Copenhagen #BuyOnline #BuyBooksOnline
Saxo - Mel H. Kay - Author
Droopy Drawers (44), It's OK to come and Lesbians on testosterone by Mel H. Kay are now available to buy in Denmark on the Saxo website.
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