Very happy and very proud to announce that Droopy Drawers (44), It's OK to come and Lesbians on testosterone are all available to borrow from the Royal Danish Library in Copenhagen.

#MelHKay #Lesbiansontestosterone #DroopyDrawers44 #ItsOKtocome #Lesbiansontestosterone #LGBT #LGBTI #LGBTQIA #Queer #LGBTbook #QueerBook #RoyalDanishLibrary #Copenhagen #Denmark
Very happy and very proud to announce that Droopy Drawers (44), It's OK to come and Lesbians on testosterone are all available to borrow from the Royal Danish Library in Copenhagen. #MelHKay #Lesbiansontestosterone #DroopyDrawers44 #ItsOKtocome #Lesbiansontestosterone #LGBT #LGBTI #LGBTQIA #Queer #LGBTbook #QueerBook #RoyalDanishLibrary #Copenhagen #Denmark
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